Rebate to be used for patio improvements | El reembolso se utilizará para mejoras en el patio

Starts February 18th | Inicia el 18 de febrero

PSA 2024

As of May 1, 2024—Actualizado el 1 de mayo del 2024

Pledges—Promesas $ 110,450.00

Participating families— Familias participando 193

Given—Donado $ 93,419.00

Our Goal—Nuestra Meta $150,000.00

Participating families— Familias participando 16.0%

Endowment— Legado

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Ministerio de Duelo

Gracias a Dios, vamos a empezar "Deascanso Eterno - El Arte de Bien Morir"

Grief Support Ministry

Thanks be to GOD, we will be starting "Eternal Rest - The Art of Dying Well"

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The Epiphany of the Lord

During season of Christmas, we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek word “epiphaneia,” which means “manifestation.” In other words, it’s a time when something hidden or unknown is revealed. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us, “In Christ’s epiphany … the Father made known his beloved Son in the Holy Spirit.” This feast commemorates the arrival of the 3 Magi Kings or Wise Men who travel a long distance, perhaps a journey that took them up to two years. Bringing with them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to give to Baby Jesus, acknowledging Him as their true king. St. John Chrysostom reminds us, “For by gold the power of a king is signified, by frankincense the honor of God, by myrrh the burial of the body; and accordingly, they offer Him gold as King, frankincense as God, myrrh as Man.” 

Perhaps as we reflect upon this feast of the Epiphany, we ought to once again discern what these gifts that the Magi brought to the Baby Je sus means in their symbolism. St. Peter Chrysologus explains to us, “Today the Magi gaze in deep wonder at what they see: heaven on earth, earth in heaven, man in God, God in man, one whom the whole universe cannot contain now enclosed in a tiny body. As they look, they believe and do not question, as their symbolic gifts bear witness: incense for God, gold for a king, myrrh for one who is to die.” Each of these gifts not only represents a king who receives them, but a King that gives them. 


But, what about our own gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh that we are also invited to share today with our Lord? Do we give - completely from the heart as the Magi Kings gave to the Ba by Jesus? Let us pray with St Alphonsus Liguori, “Give me, therefore, I pray Thee, this gold, this incense, and this myrrh. Give me the gold of Thy holy love; give me the spirit of holy prayer, give me the desire and strength to mortify myself in everything that displeases Thee. I am resolved to obey Thee and to love Thee; but Thou knowest my weakness, oh, give me the grace to be faithful to Thee!” 

What then is our Gold, one that we can present to our Lord Jesus? Gold is a precious metal that can only be worthily received by a king, So, what is the most precious item in our life that is only worthy of a King? What about our time? Time is the most precious gift that we can give to anyone. It is something that we never seem to have enough of. Yet, to give like our Magi Kings, giving time is not simply enough, we must give our full attention and presence for it to come from the heart, just as the gold came from the hearts of the Magi. This gift was presented to Jesus to re mind us that He is the one and only King. 

What about our Frankincense? Frankincense was incense that was used by the priest when he offered sacrifice. Since the sacrifice was often a blooded animal, to keep the smell pleasant, in cense was used to cover any awful odor that came from the sacrifice. So, what do we offer to our God as part of our sacrifice to cover the odor of our sins? Our penance! 

Each time we go to confession, we receive a penance which we are invited to make to demonstrate our gratitude towards God. This penance does not make up for our sin, nor is it made as part of the condition of being forgiven, but it is rather to demonstrate our thankfulness to God. In ancient times, a sacrifice was given as way of showing gratitude towards God. Is that what we are doing with our talents, our good works for God? This gift was presented to Jesus to re mind us that He is the one and only High Priest that offers sacrifice for all of us. 

What is myrrh? Myrrh was an unusual gift to give to the Baby Jesus since it was an embalming agent that was used to prepare a dead body for burial. What is the myrrh that we can offer to the Lord Jesus to show appreciation for His sacrifice? Our treasure! In our society, we have often been encouraged to seek the world’s treasures and fame to be happy, but what we find in those pursuits is that we can never be completely satisfied. What about the greatest treasure that we receive, the gift of our faith? Faith gives us meaning to life, it reminds us of God’s purpose in our creation, the reason why He created us. And the difference that He calls us to make while living out our vocation to be holy. Before we ask ourselves the question of whether we have the courage of the martyrs to die for our faith, do we choose to live our faith each day and make it a priority? This gift presented to Jesus reminds us that He is the fulfilment of the prophets as our Savior, do we proclaim that as His witnesses? 

Finally, one of the symbols that can be forgotten in this encounter with the Magi Kings and the Baby Jesus is the star. The North star was the guide that led them to their encounter with Baby Jesus. It invited them to leave the comforts of their home and acknowledge the importance and priority of God in their lives. Do we follow His star in our own lives, so that it can transform and change our lives as well? St. Hippolytus of Rome encourages us, “[The wise men] followed a star and found Christ who is light from on high…we also must search out our own bright star who leads us all along these paths into His kingdom.” While St. Bernard of Clairvaux invites us to imitate the example of the 3 Wise Magi Kings, “What are you doing, O Magi? Do you adore a little Babe, in a wretched hovel, wrapped in miserable rags? Can this Child be truly God? … Are you become foolish, O Wise Men … Yes, these Wise Men have become fools that they may be wise. 

Take care and God bless,


Fr. Steve Correz


Dia de le Epifania del Senor

Durante la temporada de Navidad, celebramos la fiesta de la Epifanía. La palabra “Epifanía” proviene de la palabra griega “Epifanía” que significa “manifestación”. En otras palabras, es un tiempo cuando algo oculto o desconocido se revela. El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica nos enseña: “En la epifanía de Cristo... el Padre dio a conocer a su Hijo amado en el Espíritu Santo.” Esta fiesta conmemora la llegada de los 3 Reyes Magos o Sabios, quienes viajan una larga distancia, tal vez se hicieron dos años en su viaje, para ofrecer regalos de oro, incienso y mirra al Niño Jesús, reconociéndolo como su verdadero rey. San Juan Crisóstomo nos recuerda: “Porque por el oro se significa el poder de un rey, por el incienso el honor de Dios, por la mirra la sepultura del cuerpo; y en consecuencia, le ofrecen oro como Rey, incienso como Dios, mirra como Hombre.”

Tal vez, al reflexionar sobre esta fiesta de la Epifanía, volvamos a discernir lo que estos regalos que los Reyes Magos traen al Niño Jesús significan en su simbolismo. San Pedro Crisólogo nos explica: “Hoy los Reyes Magos miran con profunda maravilla lo que ven: el cielo en la tierra, la tierra en el cielo, el hombre en Dios, Dios en el hombre, a uno a quien el universo entero no puede contener, ahora encerrado en un cuerpo diminuto. Al mirar, creen y no dudan, como lo testifican sus regalos simbólicos: incienso para Dios, oro para un rey, mirra para uno que ha de morir.” Cada uno de estos regalos no solo representa al rey que los da, sino al Rey que los recibe. 

Pero, ¿qué hay de nuestros propios regalos de oro, incienso y mirra que todavía estamos invitados a compartir hoy con nuestro Señor? ¿Damos de corazón tan completamente como los Reyes Magos dieron al Niño Jesús? Oremos con San Alfonso María de Ligorio: “Dame, pues, te lo ruego, este oro, este incienso y esta mirra. Dame el oro de tu santo amor; dame el espíritu de la oración santa, dame el deseo y la fuerza para mortificarme en todo lo que te desagrada. Estoy decidido a obedecerte y a amarte; pero Tú conoces mi debilidad, ¡oh, dame la gracia de serte fiel!”

¿Cuál es nuestro oro que podemos presentar a nuestro Señor Jesús? El oro es un metal precioso que solo un rey merece recibir. Entonces, ¿cuál es nuestro bien más precioso en la vida que solo es digno de un Rey? ¿Qué pasa con nuestro tiempo? El tiempo es el regalo más precioso que podemos dar a alguien. Es algo que nunca parece ser suficiente. Sin embargo, para dar como nuestros Reyes Magos, dar tiempo no es solo suficiente, debemos dar toda nuestra atención y presencia para que provenga del corazón, tal como el oro provino del corazón de los Reyes Magos. Este regalo fue presentado a Jesús para recordarnos que Él es el único y verdadero Rey. 

Cada vez que vamos a la confesión, recibimos una penitencia que se nos invita a cumplir para demostrar nuestra gratitud hacia Dios. Esta penitencia no suplanta nuestro pecado, ni es parte de la condición para ser perdonados, sino que es para demostrar nuestra gratitud a Dios. En otros tiempos, un sacrificio se daba como muestra de gratitud hacia Dios, ¿es eso lo que estamos haciendo con nuestros talentos, nuestras buenas obras para Dios? Este regalo fue presentado a Jesús para recordarnos que Él es el único y verdadero Sumo Sacerdote que ofrece sacrificio por todos nosotros.

¿Qué es la mirra? La mirra era un regalo inusual para dar al Niño Jesús, ya que era un agente embalsamador utilizado para preparar un cuerpo muerto para el entierro. ¿Cuál es la mirra que podemos ofrecer al Señor Jesús para mostrar aprecio por Su sacrificio? ¡Nuestro tesoro! En nuestra sociedad, a menudo se nos anima a buscar los tesoros y la fama del mundo para ser felices, pero lo que encontramos en esas búsquedas es que nunca podemos estar completamente satisfechos. ¿Qué pasa con el mayor tesoro que recibimos, el regalo de nuestra fe? La fe nos da el sentido de la vida, nos recuerda el propósito por el cual Dios nos creó y la diferencia que Él nos llama a hacer mientras vivimos nuestra vocación para ser santos. Antes de hacernos la pregunta de si tenemos el coraje de los mártires para morir por nuestra fe, ¿elegimos vivir nuestra fe cada día y hacerla una prioridad? Este regalo presentado a Jesús nos recuerda que Él es el cumplimiento de los profetas como nuestro Salvador, ¿lo proclamamos como sus testigos? 

Finalmente, uno de los símbolos que puede ser olvidado en este encuentro con los Reyes Magos y el Niño Jesús es la estrella. La estrella fue la guía que los condujo a su encuentro con el Niño Jesús. Les invitó a dejar las comodidades de su hogar y reconocer la importancia y prioridad de Dios en sus vidas. ¿Seguimos Su estrella en nuestras propias vidas, para que transforme y cambie nuestras vidas también? San Hipólito de Roma nos anima: “[Los Reyes Magos] siguieron una estrella y encontraron a Cristo, que es la luz de lo alto… nosotros también debemos buscar nuestra propia estrella brillante que nos guíe por todos estos caminos hacia Su reino.” Mientras que San Bernardo de Claraval nos invita a imitar el ejemplo de los 3 Reyes Magos: “¿Qué hacéis, oh Reyes Magos? ¿Adoran a un Niño pequeño, en un pobre pesebre, envuelto en pobres panales ¿Puede este Niño ser verdaderamente Dios? … ¿Se han vuelto tontos, oh Sabios? … Sí, estos Sabios se han vuelto tontos para ser sabios.” 

Cuídense, y que Dios los bendiga,


Fr. Steve Correz

Altar Servers

Is your child interested in becoming an altar server?

Have they made their First Holy Communion?

We would like to invite you to contact the parish office at 714.525.2500

to see about serving during Mass as an altar server

Please tune in to listen to deacon Tony and Rosie Mercado on the New podcast show "Called to Serve"

Called to Serve is a show that is to remind how much Jesus loves us and how ordinary people love Jesus by answering the call to serve our Lord in every day ways...

Called to Serve is a show that is to remind how much Jesus loves us and how ordinary people love Jesus by answering the call to serve our Lord in every day ways...

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  • St Mary's Festival - October


And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)

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